Our gratitude causes us to be careful about how we carry the name of Christ. COLOSSIANS 3:1-14 - WHAT'S THE CONNECTION? Every day we must "put to death" those actions that would tarnish our testimony (Col. 3:5-note). We can do nothing by ourselves, but as we let our Savior live through us, others will see Christ in all we do. You ask yourself the same question you ask every morning. Among his requests, Paul asked that they would give joyful thanks to the Father because He had rescued them, moving them from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of His Son (Col 1:12, 13-note). It is the Lord Christ you are serving. As a young man he was taken to Mount Moriah to be offered as a sacrifice, and in meekness he surrendered and made himself available. I love the Lord, but I still have some fear when I think of the day I will stand before Him. Good relationships are built not only on what is done but why. This, too, is evidence of the Holy Spirit living inside of a Christian. On Wednesday evening we sing, "'Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer" and then allow our thoughts to wander aimlessly while others pray. "I had the whole house clean a month ago.". Honesty means never having to look over your shoulder.       Subdue our flesh, our minds control;  Sermons He was a remarkable person. God uses the waves of trial to draw us closer to Himself. To show His love, Jesus died for us; I marvel when I see a carpenter make things fit without measuring and remeasuring again and again. We'd love to hear from you. A similar idea and practically the same Greek word is found in 2:18, as we have seen, where the apostle is warning his readers not to let anyone judicially deprive them of their reward as though they were unworthy. Now not only are we holy, or set apart unto God, but we are beloved, or loved by God. One of his contacts was an old friend. The Word of God comes to us with a sense of urgency and immediacy, calling us to obey now, rather than somewhere down the road of life. HENRY EDWARD MANNING. One small portion of God's vineyard His people were making so many demands that he was becoming spiritually drained. The matter had been settled long ago. --D C McCasland. I glanced at her nametag, then looked more closely to make sure I had read it correctly. But sin doesn't surrender that easily. “Andrew, you are right. Martin Luther understood this when he wrote, "The maid who sweeps her kitchen is doing the will of God just as much as the monk who prays - not because she may sing a Christian hymn as she sweeps but because God loves clean floors. Someone took special care to do these.” “Don’t they all have them?” she asked, gazing out at the tables. Sermons. Before He sends His cool, refreshing rain. I would add that it is whenever "the heart and hand move devoutly with the voice." The paper went on to say that over the years he accumulated, among other things, 29,516 buttons, 54,172 pins, 12 cents a bent back, and a miserly disposition. And Paul wrote, "Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord" (Col 3:23-note). Author of 150 books, Toyohiko Kagawa was a teacher, a poet, a philosopher, a scientist, and an evangelist. Our Daily Bread, June 3. Isa. Our Lord said no word against these. It should have control of and power over our hearts to the end that as a body we are one. As to the newly-married wife, there was no reason why she should not have accompanied her husband, there was plenty of room for both. “There remaineth therefore a Sabbath rest for the people of God.”. But the acid cleansed away the grime and the Queen's image reappeared in shining glory. Even as Christians, we may cling to anger and bitterness, feeling that those who have wronged us should suffer for their offenses. That's what it means to do something in the name of Christ - to do it on His behalf, under His authority, and according to His will. To do our work as to the Lord And when we are fainting and ready to fail, (See 2Corinthians 5:14-note), When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. Colossians 3:12 Numbers 12:3; Galatians 5:22,23; MEEKNESS:STRENGTH UNDER CONTROL BY THEODORE EPP. And if not, why not today? For more information, see our Privacy Policy. Words that condemn others can inflame anger and destroy relationships. The world thinks little of meekness, yet it is the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal. As we stand here at the beginning of a New Year it is a good time to reflect on the year that is ending and look forward into the year that is soon to begin. In a world of falling standards, we must think through this question: How does our relationship with Christ affect our TV viewing habits? Whether we are engaged in a project of great magnitude or simply helping a neighbor, we must consider our responsibility to God and man. Thankfulness seems to be a lost art today. (From Back to the Bible). But that's for good reason. Let us respond to the love which Christ offers to us, lest we be refused by Him at the last (Heb12:25-note). A career military officer confesses to wearing combat decorations he did not earn. In Northern Ireland, there’s a city that’s so divided, part of the population calls it Londonderry and others calls it Derry. The apostle Paul encouraged believers by writing, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly" (Col. 3:16-note). But you are working for Christ. The oil, of good cheer to the downhearted one–Oh, how much it may mean! There are many lives that creak and grate harshly as they live day by day. The kind of fear that is cast out by love, though, is a cringing dread of eternal punishment. Today, tomorrow; The corn of the barnyard was too tempting!” - D. C. Egner, EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBILITY BY MARY WILDER TILESTON, Your life is hid with Christ in God. Help us to hide it in our hearts, “Mrs. Lord, grant me a love like Your own. We must have a right heart attitude. As you read Colossians 3:12-25-note, try including the word today with each verse. It's not handed out because of a traffic violation, but it's used to determine the amount of toll to be paid on the basis of the distance traveled. Proper motives are essential in Christian service. Through the rain, I could see a lady, carrying a large polka-dot umbrella that had collapsed on one side waiting by our car. Something about the badge and "blues" gained him instant respect and authority. He shall suffice me, for He hath sufficed: Their motto was, "The meek shall inherit the earth, if that's OK with everybody." Nov 26, 1995. The English word "if" is employed here in its sense of "since"--"in view of," and the verb is in the indicative mood, so that Paul is clearly assuming this resurrection as a fact, admissive of no doubt. If we participate with a genuine desire to hear God speak to us through the Scriptures, we will surely come away with our hearts filled. When selling a used TV, for example, the seller may emphasize the great picture quality but neglect to tell the buyer that the volume control doesn't work properly. Then, he can later rationalize and say, "I told the truth. Because your work is for the Lord, Our lives touch others but once, perhaps, on the road of life; and then, mayhap, our ways diverge, never to meet again, The oil of kindness has worn the sharp, hard edges off of many a sin-hardened life and left it soft and pliable and ready for the redeeming grace of the Saviour. But He knows that we are apt to set aside the claims of the spiritual life when we are surrounded by all the joys and comforts of Matterial happiness. SARAH W.STEPHEN. —D. Whether songs of praise, worship, adoration, or dedication, they should emanate from the heart. Let all within you be thus imbued, not stiffly and artificially, but spontaneously and gladly, with the word of Christ dwelling in you richly by the Spirit; and so becoming Christ himself dwelling in you as the word of life. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Someone has called this “reverse reasoning,” giving the following examples: “She married him because he was ‘strong and masculine’; she divorced him because he was a very ‘dominating male.’ He married her because she was so ‘fragile and petite’; he divorced her because she was so ‘weak and helpless.’ She chose him because ‘he knew how to provide a good living’; she left him because ‘all he thought about was the business.’ He married her because she was ‘steady and sensible’; he divorced her because she was ‘boring and dull.’” - H. G. Bosch. Consequences of Life in Christ – Colossians 3:1-4. 6:4); it is also the power for Christian character and service (Eph. I didn’t know what more to say so I left. Betty Greene, pilot during World War II and later with Mission Aviation Fellowship, told me, “I made up my mind if I was to ‘make it in a man’s world,’ I had to be a lady.” A true lady is recognized and respected by men. What a contrast with the way the world thinks. Speck by speck, the dust returns. And above all, we must "put on love, which is the bond of perfection" (Col 3:14-note). . If we claim to be followers of Christ, our spiritual apparel is of far greater significance than our physical clothing. One secular writer speaking about today's television programs said, "The notion of indecency has become obsolete." And yet—and yet—oh, Mole, I am afraid!". Forgiveness is God's command to us and is part of a life of love, peace, thankfulness, and praise (Col 3:14, 15, 16-note). Sermon. Whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, . --COLOSSIANS 3:3, Put on therefore a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, longsuffering; forbearing one another, and forgiving each other; even as the Lord forgave you so also do ye. After the service I asked her what she was saying during that time when no words were being spoken or sung. NOTHING IS more disastrous than aimless drift! Love grows not only by what we do but also by our reason for doing it (Colossians 3:23). “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love” (Rom. At one point I even had to remove a poorly-hung section of paper and go to the store to buy more. Such distinctions belong to the old man, not to the new man. If someone were to have an accident at that spot, it would be the fault of the driver not the tunnel. They need lubricating with the oil of gladness, gentleness, or thoughtfulness. Lord, grant to me a loving heart, Sin is like the dust and clutter in my house. But, they want to know, is it wrong for a single mother to work? Do not let the sun go down on your wrath. It is something Christ has done for us, in us and through us. . —Schutz V Lugt. When the Word of God dwells in you, Unless and until our sin-tarnished souls are cleansed by Jesus' forgiveness, God's image is obscured in our lives. At last it was acting like an eagle again. Yet everything we do ought to be done INDNJC. (Alexander C. Dejong, Leadership, Vol. We may give without loving, III. Sometimes those who are part of the group do not evidence salvation themselves.Other times, some may clearly evidence salvation but give little evidence of mature judgment in things related to the Christian life. A certain and undeniable change should have taken place. —Anon. Let me answer that question by telling a story. A popular clothing retailer requires that its sales clerks dress like the models in the store windows who advertise its clothes. We ought to have a similar attitude as we serve Christ. Though being questioned about my fashion choices may feel like an affront to my good taste, I have realized that her correcting influence is always an upgrade. True Christlike forgiveness buries the hatchet completely. Yet, somehow, he seemed to thrive and that perhaps to a greater extent than my employer, Mackay. Forsake those things that soil the mind -- To always do our best because . “I have to go home now.” I slipped inside the car. Because he had Christ, he had peace with God, and since he had learned to commit everything to His care, he also had the peace of God. If someone asked, she was happy to tell them more. Let’s make sure old age doesn’t stop us from bearing fruit. We should honestly say, “It’s for the Lord!” - R.W.D. I settled myself at my place at the head table. He knew he had to master his weakness, so he went to a doc­tor to find out what he could do to control himself. It was of this that Jesus spoke when He said, “My peace I give unto you”; for his own being was filled and blessed with it during his earthly career. Then, and only then, are we in a position to see what's most important in life. Now they can hardly persuade the horses to start working, because there is no obscenity and no kicks.’” - D. J. Yet the thought of standing in the presence of a holy God awes me. Colossians 3:13-17 BEWARE OF FALSE PEACE! The apostle Paul had never been to the church in Colosse, but he had heard all about it from Epaphras. After Verdi's fame had spread worldwide, the school was renamed the Verdi Conservatory of Music. In the heart of the deed so fair. De Haan Does our faith in Christ have anything at all to do with our TV choices? Colossians 1:3-18 Rescued In the aftermath of Haiti’s devastating earthquake in January 2010, the scenes of destruction and death were often punctuated by someone being pulled alive from the rubble, even after all hope seemed gone. "The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me." In today's Bible reading, the apostle Paul emphasized that followers of Christ need to keep eternity in view. So I began to adjust my focus, and then the distant city came into view instead. Paul told the Christians at Colosse: "Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth" (Colossians 3:2-note). Urban-Suburban Partnership Unfolding Bethlehem's Fresh Initiative #2. Sometimes we even convince ourselves that we can win followers for God by making ourselves attractive to the world. Mary's pulpit was a checkout counter, and her smile was the opening sentence in a powerful sermon about the difference Christ makes in a life. Molloy's advice centered on a basic premise--always dress like your boss. -Anon Even though Jesus spoke the truth in a powerful, irrefutable way, and even though His works spoke for themselves, He did not receive the recognition He deserved. I smiled, imagining for a moment that the author was giving permission to wear white all year. Paul instructed Christians to work "not with eye-service, as men-pleasers, but in sincerity of heart, fearing God. Don't misunderstand me. The psalmist wrote: "Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass" (Ps. As someone has said, "Peace of heart alone is not always the peace of God.". Only to the extent that we serve and forgive can we become like Jesus. The sincerity of our devotion is demonstrated by what we sing and do. Remember that God is always more concerned with the condition of our heart for it is the heart that determines the actions and course of our lives. He calls it "the queen of all virtues, and probably the hardest to come by.". Until these prevail universally, however, "the God of peace himself" (1 Thess. All these things marvellously preoccupy our minds. No service for Christ is insignificant, Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men. --M R De Haan II. Because of that, what are some of the practical instructions we are given on how to live? HE GETS THE GLORY. One of the characteristics of a genuine Christian is that he or she possesses heartfelt compassion for other Christians. Like dewdrops falling from heaven. A half-mile-wide avalanche buried four of the trespassers beneath tons of snow and rock. She said that she had signed the words to the hymn being played, and also answered questions her "audience" asked about the pianist, her style, and her training. No effort I must shirk; So amid trivial things we may be, nay men are, in every station of life, pleasing God, that is, leading angels' lives, in that they are doing His will on earth, as the angels in heaven. Locate the Passage; 3:15-17 constitutes the final paragraph of specific exhortations flowing from the generic exhortation of 3:1-4. Out of Bounds! Putting It Into Practice = Colossians 3:1 tells us we were "raised with Christ." Thought by thought, bad attitudes return. We aren't geniuses composing timeless music. Seeing the eagle, the shepherd said to the farmer, “What a shame to keep that bird hobbled here in your barnyard! Although not in the limelight, Mary, through her attitude and actions, witnessed to hundreds of people every day. Their symbol was a yellow traffic light." And let me ne'er my trust betray, You will not select the most agreeable task, but His task, whatever it may be; you will not disdain humble service, or be ambitious for distinguished service; you will lie, like a straw, on the current of His will, to be swept away and be forgotten, if it pleases Him, or to be caught up by His mighty hand and transformed thereby into a thunderbolt. --DJD They were Christ's servants, and they represented Him in the marketplace or the home. That's His will for a student writing a term paper or for an architect designing a soaring skyscraper. 9:7). and proceed to live as though we had never heard of the Savior's return. Then will life be glad, when thou livest to Jesus; and how sweet death, to die in Jesus; with Him, and to Him, and in Him, to live for evermore. Afterward, ladies scurried past me with murmured greetings, and a few lingered to speak of God in their lives. To “dwell together” with his wife means that the husband must take his wife into every aspect of his life. He wants us to look like Jesus in our character. Then you decide: the comfortable blue outfit with red accents. It also reminds us of the spiritual blessings we have in Christ. Let God's Word fill your heart and guide your words. We can't expect others to believe a message that is contradicted by our actions. In Eph 6:13, 14, 15, 16, 17-note is described the armour of the Christian soul; in Col 3:12, 13, 14-note the habit or dress which he wears beneath his coat of mail. See to it that nothing hinders the output of His glorious indwelling. Only in this way can he truly love his wife as God intended and manifest his headship properly. Jesus commands us to love God (Mt 22:37) , yet Paul enjoins us to fear Him (Col 3:22-note). This is just another form of lying. In this city Protestants live on the east bank and … Outwardly, we seem busied for the most part about common things, with trivial duties, worthless tasks. In all the daily tasks we do, This practice is referred to as “guarding their brand.” The idea behind it is that shoppers will be more likely to purchase clothes because they will want to look like the people they see wearing them. When a person stomps out of a church service complaining about the quality of the music, the length of the announcements, or a poorly delivered sermon, he himself may be the problem. Mary was a winsome representative of Christ and a vivid illustration of Colossians 3:23, "Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men." Filled with His Spirit, now and alway. We know, to be sure, that we were created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26), but that image has been defaced by our sin. "Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them" (Ps. 5:25), while Peter tells the husband to dwell together with his wife (1 Pet 3:7). Soon, though, he noticed that instead of hitting the boat, each stone was directed beyond it, making a small ripple that moved the vessel a little nearer to the shore. One way we can do this is to observe the "fashion advice" of the apostle Paul. '", Your work may be tedious. The pale, serious-looking, grease-stained men are working tirelessly to get the plane ready to go back into battle. During his college years, my friend got a job one summer at a resort. If so, you may also feel you're in a chronic state of spiritual frustration. 37:5). But if that be so, He will reveal His will; He will gradually unfold our life-purpose step by step. The Lord is more concerned with why we give than with how much we give. He also assured Bill that he forgave him for his offenses. PRAYER - We beseech Thee, our most gracious God, to preserve us from the cares of this life, lest we be too much entangled therein. Lest Your name be maligned. Does it seem that day after day you slave away at a humdrum job, performing repetitious tasks? The wounded soldier weakly replied, "No, thank you, sir. His widow, Joanne, told a journalist: "I always remind people that he was an ordained Presbyterian minister and this was his ministry. The God of all creation, 4:5). Then the hymns of praise, the fellowship of believers, and the preaching of the Word will bless your soul! In marital disputes, or those between labor and management, an arbiter is sometimes called in, often after much wrangling and bitterness. Beginning now in chapter 3, Paul gives some basic and practical admonitions that pertain to living a life in Christ 3. This is a sermon on Colossians 3:15-17. If we cannot do what we plan to do for the glory of God, if we cannot give thanks for it, if we cannot do it in His name, if we would not feel right in praying about it, then we should not do it. Their pride is easily wounded. When I was growing up, wearing white in the US after Labor Day was a serious fashion blunder. The best eraser in the world is an honest confession to God, Colossians 3:5-11 - THE LIFE THAT IS NEW BY THEODORE EPP. "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts..." (Col. 3:15). That's why Paul says in Colossians 3:1, 2, "If ye, then, be risen with Christ, set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.". More like Jesus, day after day, Are they just as good as if they were pounded?” He gave me a wicked leer as he answered, “They come back all the quicker this way, my boy!”, “Feeling I had learned something, I related the instance to my boss and suggested that I was perhaps wasting time in drying out the leather so carefully. Let us be kind.”. This was true kindness in action. IN THIS parable our Lord seems to show that the temptations of life lie in three directions. New heights I'm gaining every day -- Then the effect of Righteousness will be Peace. Some people are like that. He will protect you. COLOSSIANS 3:17 - DO ALL THINGS FOR JESUS' SAKE - MARY WILDER TILESTON, Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him. It's not the hours you put in that count, "I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me." 5:23). "And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one" (John 17:22). The truth here is that we are one other's keepers. They heard the wild call they had once known. Living for Jesus each day! —M R De Haan II. This is my constant longing and prayer; Does some brightness of His glory